Unlimited scale for AI training and inference.

Instantly access thousands of fully-interconnected H100s and A100s on demand at the best prices, or reserve a large scale cluster today.

Trusted by the top AI labs
Unlock Immediate Scale

Access thousands of Nvidia H100 and A100 at the best prices.

Instant access to the latest Nvidia GPUs is only half of the picture. We built a fully managed Al Cloud that just works, so you can focus on training models while we take care of running complex infrastructure.

Large scale GPU clusters

Designed for large scale training and inference, deployed on our fully managed cloud infrastructure.

  • GPU Count

    8 – 10K+

  • Term

    30 days or longer

On-demand GPU instances

Launch GPU instances in under 5 minutes, and seamlessly scale to 100s of GPUs on-demand.

  • GPU Count

    1 - 100+

  • Term

    by the hour

Trusted by the best infrastructure providers.



“One of the most important aspects of running an AI company is access to Compute. Fluidstack has been a phenomenal partner to Poolside. Large scale clusters are difficult to operate, but they’ve been exceptional. Their dedicated support is excellent, and they are able to provide a great service on top of the hardware.”

Jason Warner

CEO at Poolside

"Maximizing GPU power is essential for accelerating the time to market for advanced machine learning products like ours. However, managing GPU costs is equally crucial. At Fluidstack, we've discovered the perfect balance between performance and affordability."

Tigran Sargsyan

Director of Engineering at Krisp

"Fluidstack's support was excellent - which became especially important when deploying clusters at scale. Having a dedicated team to manage our cluster meant our engineers could focus on their workloads, and not have to worry about physical infrastructure."

Ugur Arpaci

DevOps Engineer at Codeway

Access on-demand GPU compute at scale.

Get Started

Nvidia H100s starting at $2.89/h

Thousands of GPUs available

No contracts or commitment required.

Scale to 100+ GPUs.

scale up or down in real-time as your needs change.

Save 70% on your cloud bill

When compared to hyperscalers.


to power the future of intelligence

Get started today.

Access thousands of GPUs on the Fluidstack Cloud.